This song celebrates the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan river, at Wadi Al-Kharrar, by his cousin John the Baptist. Here God proclaimed, “This my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased.” With His baptism Jesus began His public ministry. Following His baptism, Jesus spent forty days of temptation in the desert.
Matthew 3: 13-17
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I John, baptize you with water
But one who is mightier than I
Makes his way to the River Jordan
His sandals I’m not worthy to untie
He will baptize with the Holy Spirit
He will baptize us through fire
He will be a light unto His people
He will be the purifier.
Jesus traveled down from Galilee
To the Baptist where John decreed
I need to be baptized by you
And yet you come to me?
Jesus answered let it be so now
For righteousness to be in place
Jesus would fulfill his Fathers plan
Salvation of the human race
John obeyed as he was directed
And baptized Jesus in that place
And when Jesus came up from the water
The heavens opened up in grace
Everyone saw the Holy Spirit
Descend from the heavens like a dove
Alighting on Jesus and behold they heard
A voice proclaim from up above
This is my beloved son
With whom I am well pleased
This is my beloved son
With whom I am well pleased
This is my beloved son
With whom I am well pleased
This is my beloved son
With whom I am well pleased