Holy Night in Bethlehem

The birthplace of Christ

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem was built to shield the Grotto of the Nativity where Jesus was born. The original church was built by Constantine in AD 339 and was rebuilt by Justinian in the 6th century. To enter the basilica today you must stoop low, as the entry door was lowered in the year 1500 to stop looters from bringing carts into the church.

Luke 2: 1-7

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Holy night in Bethlehem
Peace reigns high in Bethlehem

Son of God sent down to man
We would not be the same again

God forgave and Christ was born
In our midst the Savior born

He will smile and grow and play
He will teach us how to pray

Prince of princes the redeemer come to lead us to His Fathers kingdom
Child of heaven King of Kings Lamb of Mercy He is all these things

Kings and peasants see the light
Angels sing in pure delight

Heavenward they send their praise
From this manger where he lays

Prince of princes the redeemer come to lead us to His Fathers kingdom
Child of heaven King of Kings Lamb of Mercy He is all these things

Holy night in Bethlehem
Peace reigns high in Bethlehem
Holy night in Bethlehem
We would not be the same again